Improving Productivity and Network Security with DNS Filtering

Control D user interface showing a security panel titled "Improved Productivity" with a toggle that allows the option to block malware, clickbait, ads & trackers, social media, and adult content.

The workflow of a modern organization ecosystem presents endless possibilities alongside a plethora of security concerns and productivity challenges. As businesses navigate this landscape, DNS filtering has emerged as a critical ally. Not only does it offer a significant boost to productivity by minimizing distractions, but it also strengthens network security by blocking access to dangerous sites. This blog post delves into how DNS filtering operates, its benefits, and how you can implement it effectively within your organization to achieve a safer and more efficient working environment.

The advent of the internet put a world of information at our fingertips, but with great power comes great responsibility. Organizations today face the daunting task of keeping their networks secure while ensuring that their workforce remains productive. Balancing these objectives can be tricky, but DNS filtering stands out as a dual-purpose solution. By controlling access to the internet at the DNS level, enterprises can shield their networks from cyber threats and keep employees focused on work-related tasks.

Understanding DNS Filtering

Let’s go over the basics of DNS filtering and its significance. DNS filtering is a method used to block or allow access to the internet based on predetermined security and compliance rules. The DNS, or Domain Name System, is often compared to the internet's phonebook; it translates human-readable website names into IP addresses that computers use to communicate with each other. When DNS filtering is in place, every request to access a website goes through a filter that decides whether to permit or deny the connection based on a set of rules.

The significance of DNS filtering lies in its position as the first line of defense. By preventing unwanted or dangerous sites from loading, DNS filtering helps conserve bandwidth, improve network performance, and protect against malware, phishing, and other online threats.

Enhancing Productivity Through DNS Filtering

One of the most palpable benefits of DNS filtering is its positive impact on productivity. A key example is in mitigating the temptation for employees to visit non-work-related websites—such as social media, gaming, or streaming platforms—during business hours. By blocking access to these distractions, organizations often observe a notable increase in focus and output from their workforce. In fact, companies that have implemented DNS filtering have reported enhanced performance and productivity gains due to the redirection of employee time from personal browsing to completing work tasks.

Strengthening Network Security

Apart from boosting productivity, DNS filtering significantly reinforces network security. It prevents exposure to websites known to distribute malware, stopping cyber threats at the source before they infiltrate the network. Additionally, DNS filtering can block phishing sites, which can reduce the risk of data breaches and financial loss dramatically. By implementing a DNS filtering solution, organizations can ensure that even if employees accidentally click on a malicious link, the website will be blocked, maintaining the security integrity of the network.

Implementing DNS Filtering in Your Organization

Steps for deployment and integration

Deploying DNS filtering within an organization involves several clear steps. Initially, you should assess your current network setup and identify specific business needs. This evaluation paves the way for setting policies—the rules that will guide the filtering process. Policies should be crafted with both security and company productivity in mind.

Once the policies are ready, you'll select a DNS filtering provider, such as Control D, that meets your organization's requirements in terms of flexibility, reliability, and scalability. After choosing a provider, DNS filtering can be integrated into your existing infrastructure, which involves configuring DNS servers to direct queries through the filter.

Training and communication are key to smooth implementation. Employees should understand how and why DNS filtering is used and what the implications are for their daily work. By keeping open lines of communication, you foster an environment of cooperation and compliance. If you use a Managed Service Provider (MSP)  or any 3rd-party I.T vendor to manage your network infrastructure, have them send us an email at and we would get your organization set up.

Overcoming Common Challenges: Addressing potential hurdles and solutions

Integrating DNS filtering isn't without its challenges. Among the most common issues are over-blocking legitimate content, which can hamper business operations, and dealing with mixed environments where some devices are on-premises and others might be remote or BYOD (Bring Your Own Device).

To address over-blocking, companies should permit a method for rapid unblocking once a site is found to be wrongfully restricted. Regular reviews of filtering policies will also help to refine the balance over time. For mixed environments, DNS filtering solutions that offer cloud-based management are critical, affording the flexibility to apply consistent filters regardless of where the devices are located.

Measuring the Impact: Metrics for Productivity and Security Improvements

Assessing the impact of DNS filtering on productivity and security can be done by measuring specific metrics. For productivity, this could include monitoring the rate of project completion, tracking time spent on specific tasks, or using software to measure user activity levels. On the security front, monitoring the number of attempted visits to malicious sites that are blocked, the frequency of malware infections, and the number of phishing attempts can provide valuable insights into how well the DNS filtering is working.


In conclusion, DNS filtering plays an integral role in modern strategies to boost workplace productivity and secure networks against cyber threats. By implementing DNS filtering, organizations take a proactive stance in their security posture and establish a productive working environment that harnesses the power of the internet for good while deflecting its inherent risks. As both the online landscape and workplace practices evolve, the importance of adaptable, robust, and integrated DNS filtering practices will only continue to grow.

What Next?

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What Else Can I Use It For?

screengrab of the Control D ad block filter turned on blocking ad on a website

Protect Whole Networks

Safeguard against threats before a connection is even made. Block malware, cryptojacking and phishing domains across entire networks by deploying Control D on a router.

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Machine learning based filtering

1-step setup on many routers

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Ads, clickbait, social media and porn can be harmful to the productivity of your business. Block unwanted content across networks, or on individual devices with a single click. Create blocking schedules for dynamic behaviours.

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850+ individually blockable services

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screengrab of the Control D ad block filter turned on blocking ad on a website

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Privacy and security go hand in hand. Block ads and trackers that can be used to spread malware via a single click and mask your IP from some or all websites you visit.

Reduce page load times by blocking trackers

Enjoy ad-free browsing experience on mobile

Mask your location without a VPN

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